Please wait until the server confirms that you've joined the channel Please join the channel before sending text Please open the connection before sending text to a channel No server specified That name is already used DNS failed You can't invite someone into a Dialog or DCC Chat You have not been invited to any channels /who missing parameters /who -%s missing parameter The nickname contains illegal characters No Channel Name Specified An error occurred while starting file reception. Check for duplicate filenames, or files in use Guardian has blocked file receiving No pending DCC found DCC to/from %s not found DCC type not supported No DCC type specified DCC %s request from %s to port in reserved range. (%d) DCC %s request received from %s during existing connection Unknown DCC type %s received from %s filename %s could not be found There is already a pending request to %s Argument must be a nickname No nickname specified Alias %s is recursive %s: %s is not supported